School is out

20/06/2024 י"ד סיון תשפ"ד

Today, Thursday 20.6.24, thousands of high school and junior high students finished the school year. For graduates of twelfth grade, most of them will embark on a new path recruiting for service in the IDF.

Particularly prominent this year in the shadow of the war are the 2,021 graduates of twelfth grade, who are leaving school and embarking on a new path, most of them for service in the IDF, pre-army programs, and national service.

School staff also had a challenging year due to the war. They distributed graduation certificates at year-end ceremonies and wished the students success in their onward journeys.

Leaving school - Ironi Daled 12th grade studentsLeaving school - Ironi Daled 12th grade students

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