לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית קונדימנטום קורוס בליקרה, נונסטי קלובר בריקנה סטום, לפריקך תצטריק לרטי
Municipal activities and services for youth and young adults in the city are organized by the city’s youth department in collaboration with Amutat Sachlabim.
The city offers services for soldiers, discharged soldiers, students and young couples. The services include advice and preparation for discharged soldiers, discounts for young residents, workshops and lectures.
Thousands of teens and youth participate in youth movements throughout the city. These include Tzofim, Maccabi Tzair, Bnei Akiva, Hanoar HaOved VeHaLomed, HaNoar Haleumi, Chugei Sayarot, Noar Telem, Noam, Knafaim shel Krembo, Ezra and Hashomer Hatzair.
The municipal youth council takes an active role in planning youth activities, initiatives, and participates in activities for prevention of addiction to drugs and alcohol, prevention of violence, and instilling values.
The youth department runs five youth clubs and organizes many events and activities for children in grades 7 to 12. These include leadership activities, contributing to the community, and meetings between religious and non-religious youth.
Name | Position | Phone | |
NameLotem Gal | PositionDirector of the Youth and Young Department | Phone08-9751182 | E-maillottem@modiin.muni.il |
NameMaayan Polnet | PositionDeputy Director, Youth & Junior Department | Phone08-9751182 - 1 | E-mailleader@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameOffice | PositionAdministration | Phone08-9751182 - 0 | E-mailoffice_noar@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameAyelet Boazsone | PositionCoordinator of Youth Volunteering | Phone08-9751182 -2 | E-mailvolunteer@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameEfrat Washadi | PositionConsulting and Guidance Coordinator | Phone08-9718262 | E-mailcoffee_volunteer@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameAyelet Ben-Yaakov | PositionCoordinator and youth organizations | Phone08-9751182 -3 | E-mailprojects@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameZmirit Nachum | PositionReligious youth Coordinator | Phone08-9751182 -6 | E-mailcoffee_park@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameDalya Stayngard & Ayelet Mazor | PositionYouth hubs "Mi'Cafe le ozen" | Phone08-9718262 | E-mailcoffee@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameIris Geller | Position Young Domain Coordinator | Phone08-9705982 | E-mailtzeirim1@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
NameYael Shiller | PositionYoung Project Coordinator | Phone08-9705982 | E-mailtzeirim@modiin.matnasim.co.il |
Name | Position | Phone |
לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית קונדימנטום קורוס בליקרה, נונסטי קלובר בריקנה סטום, לפריקך תצטריק לרטי