Memorial and Independence Day

05/05/2024 כ"ז ניסן תשפ"ד

יום העצמאות

Events for Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts on the eve of the country's 76th Independence Day are dedicated to the "Iron Swords" war and will be held in a modest format.

The municipality is holding events to mark Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts.

As decided by Mayor Haim Bibas, the events will be suited to the spirit of these times in the shadow of war and will be dedicated to the "Iron Swords" war. Events on the eve of Independence Day will be held in a modest and local format, without celebrity singers and without fireworks displays.

On Sunday May 12, ceremonies will be held on the eve of Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts at 20:00 at two locations: Amphi Emek HaHula and Kiryat HaHachinuch in Reut. Prior to that, at 18:00 there will be a solidarity ceremony with bereaved families at the municipal memorial. The events are accessible to wheelchairs and the hearing impaired.

Additional events to mark the eve of Remembrance Day, will be held on Thursday 9.5.24 - an evening of public singing at the Amphi on HaEla at 20:30, accompanied by reading excerpts and with the participation of the Gilad Efrat ensemble, Sof Sela and Maya Avraham. The event is wheelchair and hearing impaired accessible.

On Friday 10.5.24 at 16:00 there will be a circle of singing and Israeli poetry at the Municipal Memorial at 5, Emek Zevulun.

On Saturday evening 11.5.24 at 21:00 at Beit Yad Lebanim, journalist Nesli Barda talks about heroism in general and the heroism of female soldiers in particular with conversations with the families of women soldiers Yam Glass z”l and Shira Shohat z”l, residents of the city who fell in the Iron Swords War.

On Sunday, May 12, after the municipal ceremonies, there will be dicussion evenings with combat soldiers at several locations - Gray Club, Heichal HaTarbut, Mor High School and Beit Yad Lebanim. Each of them start at approximately 21.30. Entry is free.

The eve of the 76th Independence Day will be held on Monday, May 13, 2024. As always, the main event will be held at Emek HaHula Amphitheater at 20:00 and will open with the screening of the torch-lighting ceremony from Mount Herzl. Following that is a local production "BeGlal haRuach" with the participation of the city’s children, bands, choirs, and youth ensembles from the Jack Club. The event is accessible to wheelchairs and the hearing impaired.

At the same time, there is a community show under the direction of Tal Mosari and with the participation of the city’s children, bands and local choir "Keli Kolot" at 20:00 at Amphi Park Anaba. The event is wheelchair and hearing impaired accessible.

At 21:00 - performances at Orot Modi'in Ulpana - the Ulpana Girls’ band, Midreshet Amit Banot, Bnei Akiva Lapid High School Yeshiva Band and Amit Boys Band with singing and uplifting tunes with the Barcha band.
At 22:00 at Lev Reut Center, a public singing evening with Yossi Lev and his band.

For Yom HaZikaron and Independence Day events calendar > > >

יום העצמאות

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