Space prize for Yovel school

20/06/2024 י"ד סיון תשפ"ד

A team from Yovel elementary school won first place in the Jerusalem District and an honorable third place in the Ramon National Space Olympics, where they presented a model of an underground residential building on the moon.

They competed with 348 elementary and junior high schools in a national competition.

The purpose of the competition was to present a project related to space exploration. The Yovel school team impressed the judges when they presented a model of an underground residential building that protects against the impact of meteors and cosmic radiation on the moon, and by using advanced artificial intelligence resource management.

Leah Adler, science and technology teacher at the school, led the team through the stages of research, planning and execution.

Ronit Ravizda, School principal: "Yovel school promotes research processes in learning as well as the field of science and technology. Peter Drucker said that "the best way to predict the future is to create it", and this leads to imagining and exploring to create a better future."

The winning team of HaYovel school

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