Commemoration ceremonies

23/05/2024 ט"ו אייר תשפ"ד

Commemoration ceremonies for the IDF Fallen, which the municipality initiated in cooperation with the bereaved families, will continue in the coming period.

On Monday 27th May at 18:00, a commemorative unveiling and dedication of a stairway will be held in memory of Corporal Gadi Isaacs z”l, opposite 23 Levona St.

Last week, friends and residents came to pay their respects at two moving commemorative ceremonies. A dedication ceremony for Sgt. Sahar Halfon z”l and a dedication ceremony for Sergeant Lavi Lifshitz z”l.

Last week, two moving commemoration ceremonies were held for the city's fallen in the Iron Swords War, with families, friends and many residents who came to pay their respects.

On Thursday 16th May, a commemorative ceremony was held for the dedication of a stairwell in the name of Lt. Col. Sahar Mahloof. The stairwell is located between Hasida Street and Efroni Street, symbolising the late Sahar, a true leader, a man who set a personal example for his subordinates - until his last moments.

Sahar was a beloved and admired commander, and above all he was a loving partner to Shirley and a devoted father to his three sons: Yotam, Omer and Lavi. Sahar was an ethical and brilliant officer and served as communications officer in the Gaza Division. On October 7th, when he realized the magnitude of the hour and the danger, he led a force of fighters that went out to defend the base, and during the fighting he was shot and killed.

On Friday 17th May, a dedication ceremony was held in the name of Sergeant Lavi Lifshitz. The late Lavi served in Sayeret Givati and was on the first line against the terrorists on October 7th.

With the implementation of maneuvers in Gaza, Givati forces fought with great courage and destroyed terrorist infrastructures. On October 31st, the forces raided terrorist targets and during the fighting, an anti-tank missile hit a building where soldiers were present, and Lavi was killed. The late Lavi was characterized by a creative soul and love of photography.

After his death, his parents received a letter in which he wrote that: "The ability to meet friends like the ones I found in the army is extraordinary. Thank you to the country that gave me this opportunity and thank you to my friends for giving me the chance for an extraordinary connection."

Dedication ceremony for Lt. Col. Sahar MahloofDedication ceremony for Lt. Col. Sahar Mahloof

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